Stephanie Morales begins the webinar by introducing Bouba and the Heart of a Giant nurses -Maria Dalomba, Shirline Luxcin Jean, and Velma Glover. Maria and Shirlines how and discuss the causes and symptoms of a heart attack, what to do if you suspect someone is having a heart attack and the distinctions between a heart attack and cardiac arrest. Q&A with Stephanie, Maria, Shirline, and Velma followed. After viewing this webinar, you will have a clear understanding of what a heart attack is and what to do if you detect signs of a heart attack or cardiac arrest.

4:17 Maria gives the overview of the webinar
4:18 Why is it important to learn about the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
5:27 Who is more at risk of a Heart Attack
6:05 Signs of a Heart Attack
6:53 Heart Attack signs in Women
7:48 Video of what a Heart attack symptoms look like
10:55 What causes a Heart Attack
12:17 Differences between a Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest
12:51 Warning Signs of Cardiac Arrest
13:46 What to do if you see someone is Cardiac Arrest
14:38 Somone having a heart attack may not think it is serious
15:56 Take away messages
16:58 Simple 7 steps to reduce your risk of a Heart Attack
18:30 Call to action to join The Healthy Hearts Communities Program
19:35 Stephanie presents the Q&A

Why it is important to learn about the signs and symptoms of a Heart Attack (4:17)

Every 40 seconds, a person in the US has a heart attack.
Most people will survive a heart attack if they get help in time.
The average age for a heart attack is 45 for men and 55 for women.
At greater risk for a heart attack if you are a minority
– 1-4 African Americans at higher risk of heart attack
– 1-6 Native Americans at higher risk of heart attack
– 1-5 Latinx Americans at higher risk of heart attack

Warning signs of a Heart Attack (6:05)

  • Feeling uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness  or pain
  • Feeling last longer than a few minutes
  • The feeling goes away then comes back
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach
  • Shortness of breath with or without chest pain
  • Breaking out in cold sweat, nausea, and feeling light-headed 

Warning signs of a Heart Attack in Women (6:53)

  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea/ vomiting
  • Pressure in lower chest / upper abdomen
  • Jaw, neck, or upper back pain
  • Dizziness
  • Light-headedness
  • Extreme fatigue 

What causes a Heart Attack (10:55)

The arteries of the heart get blocked by plaque, which is cholesterol, and the blood supply doesn’t reach a part of your heart and which causes you to have a heart attack.

The difference between a Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest (12:17)

  • A heart attack is a circulation problem; blood flow to the heart is blocked
  • Cardiac arrest is an electrical problem, the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating unexpectedly
  • A Heart Attack can cause Cardiac Arrest 

Warning Signs of Cardiac Arrest (12:51)

  • Sudden loss of responsiveness: The person doesn’t respond, even if tapped hard on the shoulder or loudly asked, “Are you Ok?” The person does not move, speak, blink, or otherwise react.
  • Not breathing normally: The person isn’t breathing or is only gasping for air. 

What to do if you see someone in Cardiac Arrest (13:46) 

Call 9-1-1 (or tell someone to call)
If the person is not breathing and you know CPR: Give CPR, push hard and fast in the center of the chest.
Stay on the call with 9-1-1 until the dispatcher says it is Ok to hang up.

  • Don’t wait to call 9-1-1:  Fast action can save lives. 

The Simple 7 to reduce your risk (16:58)

  1. Get Active
  2. Eat Better: Choose foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and salt.
  3. Lose Weight: And keep your weight under control.
  4. Stop Smoking: And avoid other people’s tobacco smoke
  5. Control Cholesterol
  6. Control Blood Pressure: Treat high blood pressure if you have it
  7. Reduce Blood Sugar: Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes

Closing Message

  • Learn the symptoms of a heart attack
  • Find out which hospitals in your area have 24-hour emergency cardiac care
  • Call 911 in an emergency, including situations in which someone is unresponsive and not breathing normally or gasping

Resources in this Webinar

Learn more about Healthy Hearts Communities “I Am Because We Are.”

Comprehensive healthcare support, education, coaching, and access to digital health technology to patients and their families between doctor’s visits to better health outcomes.
Sign up here for the Healthy Hearts Community. It’s Free

Here are some key moments in the discussion:

6:16  Maria on signs of a Heart Attack  “Some people feel like they just had a very large meal and that they’re bloated and just think, oh, it’s just gas. And so they think nothing of it.”

6:53 Maria on signs of a Heart Attack in Women “Women will experience the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, a little different. So you may not get any shortness of breath. You may just feel nauseous and have some vomiting. You may have this pressure in your chest, but it’s not severe pain. You may just have numbness or pain in your arm, dizziness, lightheadedness, or fatigue.”

7:25 Maria on signs of a Heart Attack for people with Diabetes “People with diabetes may not feel the crushing pain. They may even have lighter symptoms that they may just decide, oh, this isn’t a heart attack. I just don’t feel well, but they need to realize that they, it is a sign of a heart attack and that they should call 911.”

13:02 Maria on Cardiac Arrest Signs “When you have a cardiac arrest, it is sudden.  It’s like you get this sharp pain, and you suddenly are unconscious. So you see that happen to anybody, you want to stay with that person,  and you want to get help right away.”

21:25 Maria answered a question about nitrous glycerin medication for the heart

 “Nitroglycerin is used for people that have what is called angina.

It dilates the vessels of the heart and other places so that you have more flow. So even though people associate that with heart effects, that’s like pre heart attack. That means you have some type of heart disease and have to be on this medication.”

22:20 Velma, on answering a question, is it better to drive someone to the hospital or call 911

“I believe it’s better to call 9-1-1, would also direct you on what to do. They would be a great resource because if someone is going through a heart attack and they’re in the car with you and looking at how far you may need to drive. So being on the phone with 911 will direct you in everything you need to do. And if you know, CPR, you needed to do it, then being at home to be able to do it as opposed to in the car would be ideal.”

26:35 Maria answered the question What’s arrhythmia? “Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. So there are different kinds. And the simplest way to detect that as you come in, you tell your doctor, you know, my heart’s been racing, or I feel a skip. So some people will feel like a skip when their heart beats, and we do just an EKG, which is when they put the little stickies on your chest, and we see the rhythm, and then you can be diagnosed. But there are different types of heart arrhythmias. So some are benign and some that are very dangerous.

So if you have experienced those, that’s something else that you should be aware of and let your provider know so that they can be on top of things.”

30:30 Maria answered: How do we take care of your heart when stressed? “My favorite yoga and meditation. Meditation is going within yourself and taking time to breathe and listen.”

31:09 Shirline answered: How do we take care of your heart when stressed? “And also to journal. It can help get your emotions out of your head and onto paper. That way, it’s not filling, but you’re releasing it, and you’re releasing it. So I recommend adding journaling and staying hydrated.


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