Maintaining My Health Amid COVID-19

This next wave of blog posts will be about tips and best practices for holistic health.  

Being a husband, father of 3 boys who are 6 (almost) and under, and a heart failure patient who is on the transplant list (1334# days and counting), it is crucial for me to abide by the recommended precautions, hygiene, and general health measures to avoid any infections or worsening of my state. Added to those, is to make sure I keep safe from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19).

For me, all this means minimizing the number of times I leave the house. It requires quite a bit of planning and discipline.

• Medications

I need to make sure I continue to take my meds regularly and that I have sufficient medical and home test supplies to last in the event future delivery is delayed or canceled for unforeseen circumstances.

Organizing my medication box for the week (same time, same place, every Monday).

• Food And Liquid Intake

I continue to watch my calorie intake, and make sure that I eat a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables, avoiding salt, sugar, or processed foods. I also watch the amount of water and liquid I drink daily (my recommended daily range is 1.6 to 2.4 liters).

• General Hygiene And Health Precautions


HeartMate3 system by Abbott

I need to be vigilant about the LVAD pump that is in my heart and external peripherals (cables, controller, and batteries). I must stay meticulous about always keeping the driveline exit-site in my tummy dry and changing the dressing every week.

Des and Big brother doing my weekly LVAD exit site dressing change (2017)

• Wellness

“Do my best with all the things I can control”

I must make sure that I keep my body, mind, and spirit active while continuing to practice (self-)discipline and boundaries. Here I try to “do my best with all the things I can control“.

• Emergency Readiness

Also, I must prepare for emergency scenarios. If I would experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms, or another urgent health problem. I also need to have plans in place for what will happen if Governor Baker (Massachusetts) orders shelter-at-home to be extended for a very long time or proceeds with reopening the State.

The same level of readiness applies to matters at home with the kids and us. It is not possible to plan for everything that could happen but planning and designing help greatly in terms of preparation, and confidence, allowing us to respond instead of reacting and to operate with higher levels of confidence to brave any storm that may come ahead.


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