2018 Cardiomyopathy conference in Boston
The days are getting longer and the temperature is rising. Though spring is only beginning, Boston’s weather feels like summer. May started off with some very warm days, apparently ignoring the normal spring’s patterns. In any case, we are excited to watch our son turn four, and enjoy his well-deserved school vacation.
- In this month’s letter, I would start by sharing two important dates:
1. Cardiomyopathy conference in Boston, Saturday 19 May 2018
I would have the honor of making the opening remarks at the conference. And later in the day, I am speaking on the patient panel. Looking forward to sharing our story and learning from fellow patients and leading health professionals. Find out more.
2. Boston Heart walk
We are getting closer to the Walk. Just 4 months to go! Last fall, we raised over $2000 in just about two months, and more than 25 people walked with our team on the day. Obviously, we are hoping to do more this year. Here is my why. Please follow this link to join us and support our cause.
2018 Boston Heart Walk
- In my Living with the HeartMate3 LVAD pump series, this month I talk about the showering process, the precautions and the adjustment we have to follow. Details Here.