by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Delicious Heart-Healthy Recipes, Health + Medicine, Health + Medicine, Living With Heart Disease, News + Media, Photos + Videos
Our Boston Heart Walk 5.0 is done! Team Heart of a Giant, We did it again! I am super grateful for all the support received this year and for the past five years. It’s always a fantastic experience doing this. To all of you, thanks for your love and support always....
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Delicious Heart-Healthy Recipes, Health + Medicine, Health + Medicine, Living With Heart Disease, News + Media, Photos + Videos
The Foundation Received Its 501(3)(C) Tax-Exemption Status Earlier In The Year. Since then, we’ve been working hard to put together a community health program to support our mission of improving health outcomes and preventing chronic heart diseases. In addition, we...
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Living With Heart Disease, Updates, Writing+Memoirs
Hi Friends, thank you for being part of the growing community; I appreciate you all. Life has been busy lately, but I managed to get a few articles published. Read and enjoy the posts below. I talked about Chronic Illness, Relationships, and Friendships in the first...
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Health + Medicine, Living With Heart Disease, Updates, Writing+Memoirs
Hi Friend, I recently shared a lesson I have learned along the way, and I hope to pass it on to others. It is about boundaries in the particular context of living with heart disease and parenting. I wrote it for Heart.Failure.Net; I know you will enjoy this one. Let...
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Causes, Events, Heartofagiant Merch
Hi Friends: the Heart Walk has been moved to Sat 6th November due to bad weather predictions. Besides the dates, the details remain the same. We’ll be walking along the Neponset River in Mattapan or for those outside Boston, wherever you are. IN BOSTON, MEETING AND...