by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Updates, Writing+Memoirs
Hi Friends: I have experienced such a significant health improvement since May – where most of this improvement occurred during the summer months. Shortly after the Heart Walk in the beginning of September, I decided to tackle a little more in my life by adding some...
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Health + Medicine, Writing+Memoirs
The response to the launch of the blog (along with the Heart Mate documentary) has been tremendous, encouraging, and overwhelming at times. I reconnected with many old friends and family, I had been out of touch with for so long. Sadly, we had to catch-up under such...
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Health + Medicine, Writing+Memoirs
When I was first diagnosed with my chronic illness in 2012, I planned to deal with my condition. It constituted a measure that had an important impact on the process. This 5-point plan would come to change and evolve over the years. Working through the set goals made...
by Shanthini R | May 25, 2024 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Blog, Updates, Updates, Writing+Memoirs
Des and I would like to thank you all for your warm welcome to our twin boys. We appreciate your kind words and best wishes. The Twins The boys are doing and growing well… Now wearing 9 months old clothes :). Many of you asked about their Big brother. Well, he’s been...
by Shanthini R | May 1, 2023 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Health + Medicine, Writing+Memoirs
‘How do you deal with all of it?’ is the question that I am often asked, especially since the blog’s launch. Many of my friends have asked me about this, including a cousin concerned about the battle of facing a chronic illness. I am not a medical professional....
by Shanthini R | May 1, 2018 | Amplifying Patient Voices, Blog, Writing+Memoirs
LVAD components. HeartMate 3™ Left Ventricular Assist System | St. Jude Medical Living with a heart condition puts you in the paths of many great people (online or in-person). Most touching and inspiring of them all is surely meeting other heart disease patients (LVAD...