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Below is the note I shared with family and friends about a year. It’s amazing how much has happened since. I am grateful for the great support and care coming our ways. Looking at the words, I can still picture everything like it was yesterday – running aorund with my son, becoming more active as I started my cardiac rehab and being more and more useful.
Here’s a look back to appreciate the journey we’re on and how everything is evolving.
Dear Friends:
Mid-April, I celebrated a key milestone in my journey: 3-month post LVAD operation. The sternum takes about 10 to 12 weeks to totally close and heal after the open-heart surgery.
It’s been quite a ride since I went under the knife. The chest wound has closed up and the sternum is now fully healed. I feel more powerful and my heartbeats feel more stable. We expect more energy with time – It seems like there would be even more fun from here and onward…
My recovery from the operation went well and I’ve been adapting well to living with the heart pump system. I am becoming more and more active, even started exercising for more than an hour and few kms at a time.
I am now able to keep up with my son and participating in most activities in and around the house. My son and I are having much fun these days, running around or even going to the basketball court.
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Next step is to further strengthen and improve functional capacity. Two weeks ago, I have embarked an organized and focused cardiac rehabilitation program. This program would help further increase my oxygen uptake, endurance, and quality of life factors.
I have also started exploring future possibilities of where I could from here, in addition to getting back to some professional activities. While I wait for a donor heart, I would become as fit as possible whilst hopeful being more useful.
However exciting, I expect this part to be the most challenging for me. Having learnt from previous injuries, and setbacks, I appreciate the hard work, endurance and patience it takes to come-back on top, and this time around, things would be way harder. But, we feel much stronger. I would tell you about how stronger I become physically and how living with the pump improve with time.
Thanks to everyone for your help, support and encouragement, and especially to my family. From the darkness of the pit into the light of the sun, I thank you for being part of the team that carry me through this journey… We are forever grateful.
Love and light, everyone :). And DFTBA (Don’t forget to be awesome).