May 2018 News And Updates

Like daddy, like son – see our shoes :).

Welcome to May… I hope you are well and in good spirit. Thank you for keeping in touch. Things have been going well. We’re grateful. Please read below to see what the heartofagiant have been up to lately.

  • Health-wise, I continue to enjoy being healthy with my Illness. Though I have had a few slacking days, I exercise regularly. The days I don’t practice Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo, I go to the gym downstairs our building. On some days, my young boy joins me, making the sessions even more fun.
  • Physically, I am getting stronger. I feel more powerful and my body is stronger. I am more energetic, I could even walk 10 miles a day without exerting myself .
  • Mentally, I am calmer in general and managing to remain motivated. I went from feeling down all the time, often depressed, to enjoying life again, every second of it.
  • Spiritually, I carry on my journey of self-discovery and self-confrontation. Additionally, this year’s Ramadan is already upon us. With my condition, I am technically not allowed to fast. But I can do all else that is required of me. I hope to use the holy month to strengthen my bond with the higher spirit, through prayers, meditation, and improve good habits.

At the gym with my boy (half exercise, half fun)

  • On the home front, we’re enjoying Boston. The family has been doing well, led by our almost four years old boy’s energy and curiosity. It’s amazing watching him grown and see the world through his eyes. Although, there are only so many questions any parent can answer daily.
  • To break our daily routine, we travelled out of town a few weeks ago – exploring Western Massachusetts (MA). We visited an idyllic farm appatment in Bernardston, MA – Our son had a blast, riding in the tractor and learning about animals from up-close. Mommy also took good advantage of the well-deserved relaxation she’s got.
  • Professionally, Boston is truly a world leader in innovation and entrepreneurship. I have been working more and more. With the improved productivity, I have been considering taking on a full-time role.
  • In any case, learning about the Boston ecosystem has been fun. Ideally, I would still be in a space where I continue to learn and grow using science, technology and innovation to help improve people’s lives.
  • So, I started networking in my new city, coming out of my shell, and making new friends. I joined the local chapters of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE and the Power and Energy Society. I also continue to attend my Toastmasters meetings.

In closing, I would say that over the past few months I have been learning that my condition is not in my way. It is rather my way, or a part of me which very much defines my way of life. As such, by changing the way I look at my life and project myself into the future, I now feel less pressured, more confident and enjoying the process even more.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to reading you.



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