Me And Meditation (Part 2): Sharing A Few Notes

Friends – how are you all today? What a week we have lived?!

Undeniably, times are tense. On days like these, it is best to keep things simple. One way I am managing is meditating in the mornings. Through this habit, I make space, and I open myself up to receive more healing energy.

Here is a short routine I practice most mornings:

Waking up in the morning is the perfect time to let go and start afresh. A short practice I have been doing for years now. Essentially, I do a short reflection every morning. This routine often makes a huge difference in my days.

While still in bed, most mornings or sitting up on the edge of my bed or in the good old days, sitting in the car before taking off. I try to get a few minutes to myself. My eyes may be open or closed, depending on what feels more comfortable at the time.

I take this moment to feel my body. To feel my body, touch the bed, the seat, or the floor. I feel the contact there. I remind myself that I am awake; I am alive. I take 4 or 6 deep breaths. I breathe in fully, receiving the air and breathing out, and I just let go. Then I take 2 or 3 more while holding my breath for a few seconds between inhales and exhales.

After a short moment, I begin to reflect silently. I remind myself that today is a new day. Anything is possible.

As I look ahead to the new day, I take a moment to clean the slate. I tell myself – yesterday is gone; it is in the past, and whatever happened is done. And, as much as I can, I try to let that be. On this new day, I tell myself that I have an opportunity to start afresh, breathe, and smile. To recollect my mind and spirit as I head out to the world.

Most days, I feel hope and embrace the day as the gift that it is. I welcome the opportunity to add more meaning to my life and the chance to redeem myself for my recent shortcomings. Then I take a few more moments to sit quietly together with myself. I breathe in, breathe out. I try to sense any vitality and lightness that I may have at that moment.

With a heightened level of awareness, I take a moment to appreciate being alive and to remember my values. This is how I try to bring a sense of freshness and possibility into my days on most days. Then, I get up to go get the day.

There you have it, how I start my days. How do you start yours?


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