You’re Invited: Leading Heart Health Advocacy


Living With Heart Disease Zoom Meeting On 6 July 2021​

Come hear the award-winning Allyson Perron Drag share the journey behind the advocacy programs she leads to influence local, state, and national public issues related to Heart Health.

Allyson currently works as the Government Relations Director and Regional Lead for the American Heart/American Stroke Association for the last 15 years. Her role is to manage, plan, direct, and implement the advocacy programs to influence local, state, and national public issues related to the American Heart Association’s mission in Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire. This is achieved by mobilizing volunteers, staff, and coalition resources, achieving AHA leadership in developing and responding to cardiovascular public health and organizational issues.

Allyson has won several awards for her role as Government Relations Director, including Lobbyist of the Year, Beacon Hill’s Most Beautiful, Coach of the Year, and The Blake Cady Award for Leadership in Tobacco Control. Allyson also has served as the Chair of Playworks Board of Directors and is the current Policy Co-Chair of the MA Health Council, and is the lead for the MA CENTS Coalition and several coalitions tackling issues around tobacco obesity, physical activity, and access to care. She lives in Norton, MA, with her husband and five-year-old son.

Allyson continued her policy career working for the Massachusetts Secretary of State, William Galvin, and a public participation coordinator for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a degree in Political Science. She has used her degree by working on several political campaigns and being a staffer in several legislators’ offices, including Massachusetts former State Representative Jackie Lewis and former Connecticut State Representative Mark Boughton.

RSVP and join us via Zoom on Tuesday 6 July 2021 at 6:30 PM (Eastern).


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