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Heart of a Giant Foundation

Disclaimer: The information shared on this blog is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for any medical issues.

HG Monthly Updates (July 2019)

HG Monthly Updates (July 2019)

July 08, 20192 min read

Welcome to the July News and Updates. For the monthly letter, follow this link. Otherwise, please read on.

July is a Birthday month in our home. Happy birthday to our cubs. We are thankful for them. They keep us going with their energy, tenacity, and humor.

At the 2019 ACC Convention – 

Last March, we attended the American College of Cardiologists (ACC) convention in New Orleans. Here’s a brief note about the trip. See the Highlight video here and the photo album here. While in New Orleans, we had a video shoot with Abbott to feature our story as part of a broader campaign – See Article here.

With the team in NOLA video shoot for Abbott PR Media, April 2019

On the ​Clinical front – 

Keeping up with the twins has been very useful in distracting us from my illness. Everything has been stable. We’ve had to make a few adjustments to my blood pressure meds and reduced the diuretics. But, gratefully, there was no infection with my drive-line and no symptoms to worry about.

​I have been feeling better and stronger, up to the point that I felt confident enough to start jogging again (hopefully, I would be ready to run a 5K or a 10K in a few months). Running is not always common with my condition, especially whilst living with the LVAD blood pump. Thankfully, with the right precautions, I should be alright. I am starting slow and we diligently monitor how it all goes

HG storytelling –

In continuing to share my story on Heartofagiant, over the past months I’ve shared a few more facets of my journey including nutrition. I explained that living with my illness, and especially with my blood pump, having a good diet has been my best medicine. Similarly, I briefly shared how things have evolved over the past years and how I managed to keep my weight down while gaining some muscle and more power.I am still deciding what to talk about next month, but please stay tuned and keep sharing your comments and feedback.  

New developments – 

Against all odds, life has been going rather well as we are always striving to make the most of every moment. As for the next goals, I recently started drafting my memoirs and preparing to establish The Heartofagiant Foundation. Stay tuned for more details. Thank you for reading and for your continued support. Please keep me posted on your own endeavors.

P.s: Don’t forget to sign up and support this year’s Heartofagiant Boston Heart walk team – Here.

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Milton St, Boston, MA, USA

The Heart of a Giant Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 84-2900386. Donations are tax-deductible.

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