Welcome Message

On the behalf of our team and myself, welcome to our Website.

Heart of a Giant Foundation (HGF) was born from my personal journey and steadfast commitment to advocacy, resilience, and positive change. Throughout my journey to receiving a heart transplant, I gained a unique insight into the challenges and intricacies of our healthcare system. This life-altering experience ignited my passion to support others navigating similar paths, a journey I understand intimately.

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Meet the Founder

Meet Somaneh 'Bouba'!

Business Professional, Entrepreneur, and Heart Health Advocate

Somaneh "Bouba" Diemé is an accomplished engineer, passionate entrepreneur, and dedicated community leader committed to empowering patients, caregivers, and the broader community in heart health. As a long-time heart patient turned community health innovator, Bouba leverages his unique experiences and skills to foster connection, learning, and growth among patients and healthcare professionals.

Personal Journey and Mission:

Bouba's journey began over a decade ago when he was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition, leading to a prolonged battle with chronic heart disease and, ultimately, a life-saving heart transplant. This personal experience ignited his commitment to raising awareness, providing support, and driving positive change for those affected by heart conditions, particularly in at-risk communities.

Heart of a Giant Foundation:

As the founder of the Heart of a Giant Foundation (HGF), Bouba has led the organization to achieve significant milestones in empowering individuals at high risk of heart conditions. The foundation's programs focus on education, support, and direct intervention, helping individuals achieve self-sufficiency and improved quality of life.

Global Impact and Leadership:

Bouba is renowned for his advocacy and leadership in healthcare innovation, focusing on preventing heart diseases and improving patient outcomes. His mission to enhance local and global health is fueled by his social connections, professional knowledge, and personal experience with heart failure. By volunteering within his community and bringing a unique perspective from living in diverse parts of the world, including areas with limited resources, Bouba continues to make significant strides in raising awareness and driving positive change.

Community and Beyond:

Based in Boston, MA, with his family, Bouba's impact extends beyond his local community to his home countries of Mali and Senegal. His dedication to fostering connections and improving healthcare initiatives has made him a sought-after speaker and collaborator.

Contact Information:

For speaking engagements, collaborations, or partnership opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Bouba. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by heart conditions. Contact details can be provided upon request.

Key Achievements and Focus Areas:

- Education: Providing comprehensive heart health education to at-risk communities.

- Support: Offering resources and support networks for patients and caregivers.

- Direct Intervention: Implementing programs that directly improve the quality of life for individuals with heart conditions.

- Advocacy: Raising awareness and driving changes to enhance heart health outcomes globally.

Bouba's unwavering commitment and innovative approach inspire and empower individuals and communities worldwide.

Bouba’s Blog

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to My Heart Health Journey Blog

Hello, I'm Somaneh "Bouba" Diemé, a passionate advocate for heart health and the founder of the Heart of a Giant Foundation. I'm thrilled to have you join me here as I share my personal journey with heart failure and life as a heart transplant recipient.

From 2012 to 2022, I survived congestive heart failure caused by a congenital heart defect, leading to open-heart surgery to implant an LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) pump. After a six-year wait, I finally received a heart transplant in late 2022. This journey has not only shaped my life but also fueled my commitment to improving patient outcomes and empowering individuals to lead healthier lives.

Through this blog, I aim to:

-Share my unfiltered experiences as a heart failure survivor and heart transplant recipient.

-Provide insights into the patient's perspective, making it more relevant to the improvement of therapies and healthcare systems.

-Empower and educate others about heart health, advocacy, and the power of community support.

-Inspire hope and resilience in those facing similar challenges.

Join the Journey.I invite you to be part of this journey, engaging with my stories, learning from my experiences, and contributing to the conversation. Together, we can drive positive change in heart health outcomes and improve the lives of patients worldwide.

Thank you for your support and for being part of this community!

New to the blog? Start by exploring some of my key posts and don't forget to subscribe to stay updated on new content.

Disclaimer: The information shared on this blog is based on my personal experiences and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for any medical issues.

Latest Blogs



June 01, 20234 min read

We are proud to feature this blog post by one of our HGF community members, Lewis Howe, as the first installment in a new series, “Living With Hypertension: One Man’s Journey.” Prepare to be inspired as Lewis candidly shares his personal triumphs and challenges in the quest to manage his blood pressure.

Despite having several, often self-inflicted, health issues over the years, my diagnosis of high blood pressure last month was something I never anticipated. I had managed my blood pressure for the past few years with medications like Amlodipine, and my number had usually come in around 127 over 86 or thereabouts.

Like many men my age, I’m loathe to see a doctor unless I absolutely need to. The recent pandemic exacerbated that thinking since I had come to believe I was more likely to contract COVID while seeing the doctor for an otherwise routine checkup.

So when I finally had my “annual” physical in April of this year, it had been just over two years since my doctor poked, prodded, and drew blood from me. What the numbers said was a huge wake-up call for me. My weight had ballooned to 264 pounds (I generally clock in at about 252), and most alarmingly, my blood pressure now read 132 over 90.

The doctor sat me down for the dreaded lecture I knew would not end well for me enjoying my usual diet of donuts and Chinese food. 

My primary care physician is a wise and learned man and is used to dealing with reluctant patients who don’t wish to be told that the things they most enjoy in life might be hastening their demise. The doctor walked me through what I usually eat during a typical day and suggested eliminating my customary afternoon slice of pizza and Coke and replacing my breakfast muffin with healthier alternatives.  He wrote out a longhand list for me to carry with me. These were the items contained within:  

  • Pure protein bars

  • Limit portions at dinner

  • Limit red meat

  • See nutritionist

  • Lose 10-20 pounds in 3 months. 

  • Get BP down to normal 120/80

  • Get OMRON sensor upper arm cuff for testing. 

Since I’m fortunate to already be a part of the Heart of a Giant team, most of these recommendations made sense to me. Proper diet, my doctor noted, is even more important than exercise. Also, regular blood pressure monitoring is critical to the proper management of high blood pressure.

But the one piece of advice my doctor gave that is keeping me from pursuing my goals of weight loss and a corresponding reduction in blood pressure is his insistence that I reduce, if not eliminate, my intake of Chinese food.

This is no small feat for a man of my age and condition. I was able to give up cigarettes 24 years ago after being diagnosed with pre-emphysema. After a lifetime of excessive drinking, I achieved sobriety nine years ago. Now, in my late fifties, the justification for continuing to gorge myself in times of stress on General Gau’s chicken and crab rangoons remains strong. Those of us who practice unhealthy habits can twist ourselves into knots rationalizing why we continue to engage in harmful activities.

So I’ve begun my blood pressure journey slowly, with baby steps. I was never one to give up treats for Lent, but since I saw my doctor, I have entirely cut out donuts from my routine (muffins are next!). The daily afternoon pizza slice is down to twice a week. And much to my surprise, the protein bars my doctor recommended are both tasty and filling (at least the peanut butter flavor).

But the go-to comfort food, my stress reduction technique, which is an order of Peking ravioli with pork fried rice, remains the mountain to conquer. I’ve only gone for takeout twice a month since my physical, and I remain committed to staying away from these dens of high-fat iniquity until my blood pressure and weight are back to manageable levels.

If you are facing a similar challenge, I welcome your feedback, advice, and, most of all, ideas.

Want to enjoy these dishes the heart-healthy way? Check out our recipe section.

About the author:

Lewis Howe is the Community Partnerships Co-Ordinator for the Heart of a Giant Foundation. He welcomes your ideas, suggestions and expressions of support to help him in his fight against high blood pressure. You can reach him at [email protected].

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News & Media

Sign-up to stay updated with the latest news, interviews, and media appearances of Somaneh “Bouba” Diemé.

Discover how Bouba makes waves in healthcare advocacy, patient support, and heart health education. Follow his journey as he shares insights, success stories, and ongoing efforts to drive positive change in healthcare systems worldwide.

Latest News



June 01, 20234 min read

We are proud to feature this blog post by one of our HGF community members, Lewis Howe, as the first installment in a new series, “Living With Hypertension: One Man’s Journey.” Prepare to be inspired as Lewis candidly shares his personal triumphs and challenges in the quest to manage his blood pressure.

Despite having several, often self-inflicted, health issues over the years, my diagnosis of high blood pressure last month was something I never anticipated. I had managed my blood pressure for the past few years with medications like Amlodipine, and my number had usually come in around 127 over 86 or thereabouts.

Like many men my age, I’m loathe to see a doctor unless I absolutely need to. The recent pandemic exacerbated that thinking since I had come to believe I was more likely to contract COVID while seeing the doctor for an otherwise routine checkup.

So when I finally had my “annual” physical in April of this year, it had been just over two years since my doctor poked, prodded, and drew blood from me. What the numbers said was a huge wake-up call for me. My weight had ballooned to 264 pounds (I generally clock in at about 252), and most alarmingly, my blood pressure now read 132 over 90.

The doctor sat me down for the dreaded lecture I knew would not end well for me enjoying my usual diet of donuts and Chinese food. 

My primary care physician is a wise and learned man and is used to dealing with reluctant patients who don’t wish to be told that the things they most enjoy in life might be hastening their demise. The doctor walked me through what I usually eat during a typical day and suggested eliminating my customary afternoon slice of pizza and Coke and replacing my breakfast muffin with healthier alternatives.  He wrote out a longhand list for me to carry with me. These were the items contained within:  

  • Pure protein bars

  • Limit portions at dinner

  • Limit red meat

  • See nutritionist

  • Lose 10-20 pounds in 3 months. 

  • Get BP down to normal 120/80

  • Get OMRON sensor upper arm cuff for testing. 

Since I’m fortunate to already be a part of the Heart of a Giant team, most of these recommendations made sense to me. Proper diet, my doctor noted, is even more important than exercise. Also, regular blood pressure monitoring is critical to the proper management of high blood pressure.

But the one piece of advice my doctor gave that is keeping me from pursuing my goals of weight loss and a corresponding reduction in blood pressure is his insistence that I reduce, if not eliminate, my intake of Chinese food.

This is no small feat for a man of my age and condition. I was able to give up cigarettes 24 years ago after being diagnosed with pre-emphysema. After a lifetime of excessive drinking, I achieved sobriety nine years ago. Now, in my late fifties, the justification for continuing to gorge myself in times of stress on General Gau’s chicken and crab rangoons remains strong. Those of us who practice unhealthy habits can twist ourselves into knots rationalizing why we continue to engage in harmful activities.

So I’ve begun my blood pressure journey slowly, with baby steps. I was never one to give up treats for Lent, but since I saw my doctor, I have entirely cut out donuts from my routine (muffins are next!). The daily afternoon pizza slice is down to twice a week. And much to my surprise, the protein bars my doctor recommended are both tasty and filling (at least the peanut butter flavor).

But the go-to comfort food, my stress reduction technique, which is an order of Peking ravioli with pork fried rice, remains the mountain to conquer. I’ve only gone for takeout twice a month since my physical, and I remain committed to staying away from these dens of high-fat iniquity until my blood pressure and weight are back to manageable levels.

If you are facing a similar challenge, I welcome your feedback, advice, and, most of all, ideas.

Want to enjoy these dishes the heart-healthy way? Check out our recipe section.

About the author:

Lewis Howe is the Community Partnerships Co-Ordinator for the Heart of a Giant Foundation. He welcomes your ideas, suggestions and expressions of support to help him in his fight against high blood pressure. You can reach him at [email protected].

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Milton St, Boston, MA, USA

The Heart of a Giant Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 84-2900386. Donations are tax-deductible.

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