About Us

Heart of a Giant Foundation


About Heart of a Giant Foundation

At Heart of a Giant Foundation, we are committed to reducing the impact of heart disease worldwide. We strive to become the leading partner in detecting, diagnosing, and managing cardiac risk factors. Our multi-level intervention programs empower individuals to take control of their health. Join us now to impact communities affected by heart disease significantly.

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is clear: to ensure that every individual in the community has access to effective heart health education, superior healthcare assistance, and community resources, enhancing their overall health, quality of life, and the management of their heart conditions and related risk factors. We strive to achieve this vision by:

Our mission is to proactively identify heart-related risk factors in at-risk population groups, provide them with the support and knowledge they need to become self-reliant, and advocate for managing and living with their health conditions.

  • Raising awareness about risk factors and symptoms of cardiac conditions;

  • Promoting regular health check-ups, screening, and early diagnosis;

  • Providing culturally intelligent and responsive services;

  • Improving patient-provider relationships;

  • Enabling access to improved care and better health outcomes;

  • Empowering patients and caregivers, and

  • Promoting advocacy and self-advocacy.

Some Tough Truths About Heart Disease

Heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death both in the US and the World, with staggering statistics highlighting the urgency of our mission:

  • 18 million+ lives are lost to heart disease globally each year.

  • 655,000+ deaths occur in the US annually due to heart disease.

  • 495,000+ individuals suffer from high blood pressure-related casualties every year.

Despite these alarming figures, only about 49% of Americans are aware of their heart health status, underscoring the critical need for increased education and awareness.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common heart condition that has been identified by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and vascular dementia.

According to a recent study conducted by the Boston Public Health Commission, one out of every four adult residents in Boston reported having hypertension. The study also found that the percentage of hypertension was higher for Black (36%) and Latino (27%) adults compared to White adults (20%). Neighborhoods with predominantly Black people, such as Mattapan, Dorchester, or Roxbury, had hypertension rates ranging from 34% to 42%.

More About Us

Eager to learn more about our efforts and impact? Visit our News and Insights Page. It's a space where we share blogs, insights, stories, and project updates. Our blog isn't just about posting articles; it's a platform for engagement. We love interacting with our readers in the comments section, fostering a community of like-minded individuals passionate about advancing  the world of heart health.

Join us at Heart of a Giant Foundation as we work with our communities, supporters and partners to turn the tide against heart disease, one heart at a time.

News and Insights


The information shared on this page is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for any medical issues.



March 20, 20242 min read

Living With Hypertension - One Man's Journey / November 22, 2023 / Leave a Comment

Dear Friends

This month brought a new (positive) milestone as my weight finally dropped below 250, which is still only 1/3 of my overall weight loss goal. Still, a 13 pound loss is something to celebrate, just not to excess!

Embracing Accountability: Working with a Nutritionist

My other achievement involved finally beginning work with a nutritionist, which will keep me accountable to someone other than myself. Once you get past the online surveys and paperwork, having a trained professional work with you on your eating habits  (emphasis on habits) can keep some of your more self-destructive tendencies in check.

When you have to answer questions about what you “normally” consume each day, it gives one pause when deciding whether to indulge in or forego that sandwich at the Chick Fil A drive thru, or the slice of pizza from the gas station quick mart.

Monitoring Health: Insights from Daily Blood Pressure Checks

As part of my regimen with Heart of a Giant, I take my blood pressure each morning, right before I weigh myself. It’s fascinating to see the daily fluctuations, and whether what you ate yesterday has any bearing on your numbers the next morning.

I do notice that since I began drinking calorie-free seltzer instead of coca cola, my pants fit more loosely and I will soon need a smaller belt. Conversely, a “cheat day” involving pizza or other high salt food won’t necessarily raise my blood pressure, but I’ll notice that I feel less motivated and more sluggish the following day.

nutrition plan

Image sourced from Canva.com

Small Wins, Big Changes: Navigating My Nutrition Journey

My first official meeting with my nutritionist is still two weeks away, but I’m preparing for it like it’s the SAT. Breakfast has become heavier on bananas and yogurt, with frozen waffles the last remaining decadence as of this moment. 

Dinners are– more often than not– cooked and consumed at home, lessening temptation (and excuse making) to pursue less heart healthy options. I know it doesn’t sound like a great accomplishment to tilt the scales at 248 pounds, but compared to where I’ve been it’s incremental but encouraging progress.

As the old joke goes, I may be lost, but I’m headed in the right direction.

Lewis Howe is the Community Partnerships Co-Ordinator for the Heart of a Giant Foundation. He welcomes your ideas, suggestions and expressions of support to help him in his fight against high blood pressure. You can reach him at [email protected].

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Milton St, Boston, MA, USA

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